We buy products based on our perception of their value to us, our understanding of a product is culmination of input that we have either researched of been informed of.
Advertising is the beginning of that process, a product will get your attention through different mediums of awareness being created. For example, features, cost or deliverables or a combination of all thee.
Job hunting is a similar process, we want to be hired by the company that can hire us the soonest, offer the most features and give us the best package.
This is how we create our value system, the same way small business owners do.
Small business owners have to create the environment that is conducive to retaining staff, paying them enough to be happy, but not to much to be uncompetitive and sustainable.
Ensuring that the staff and the client are both protected from any incident, by having insurance’s in place to protect staff and client, whilst still remaining competitive.
Then been able to have the infrastructure to complete the job on time and to the clients expectations to maintain good relationship.
So, as a consumer, why do we put so much emphasis on our chosen products and jobs, but little to no value on your service providers who employ staff.
The reason is often simple, many don’t place a value on service providers, they work on cost only and are not prepared to do a little research into the companies that provide service.