In the current economic climate, consumers are becoming increasingly aware of the need to ensure credibility and accountability from service providers.
The concept behind Verified Services evolved from personal experience as a well-established contractor, having operated for over two decades, of the basic standard of service that the consumer should deem acceptable from a credible service provider.
The concept is simple. Verified Services validates and verifies the operational levels within contracting services that are fast becoming pre-requisites to ensure secure contracting services and fair labour practice.
This includes the key requirements such as;
Letter of Good Standing from the workmanâs compensation commission,
CIPC registration of the company,
Tax Clearance Certificate
Proof of Public Liability, and
A commitment to the applicable health, safety and environmental legislation and code of good service practices of Verified Services (Pty) Ltd.
A good understanding of the LRA. (labour relations act of 1997)
Then via a website, we offer the public an overview of the contractor, their compliance to the above, as well as details of their management and staff; thereby creating a level of disclosure for the consumerâs added security.
The contractor is included on the website database of service providers committed to a code of good practice and quality service thereby encouraging good governance and sustainability.
The consumer has a platform to validate a contractor and its staff prior to authorization of service and to ensure accountability for services rendered creating peace of mind and added security for the client.
The contractor benefits from the marketing of an online directory as well as from Verified Services available in various forms of the media which promotes the online directory service. No other directory service does that.
Each contractor benefits from the other contractors who are on the site through the branded marketing of the Verified Services logo on their quotes and signage on the vehicles etc, therefore exponentially growing the marketing footprint and separating verified contractors from non-verified contractors.
Benefits of using a Verified Services Contractor:
The peace of mind that the contractor on your site is registered with the workmanâs compensation as required by the OHS Act of 1993 and has a letter of good standing, and should an injury occur, the principle i.e.: homeowner, property management company, a construction company cannot be held liable for the injury. The responsibility of verifying the contractor on-site is upon the principle who employs the contractor.
Should there be any risk of damage, the homeowner can confirm the contractor’s insurance and if the policy is current and in place.
That the company doing the work is a registered organization and its years of operation.
Easy identification of all staff on-site via the website by name and photo should a problem occur such as theft, poor performance or complaint. The client will not have to physically point out the relevant staff member.
That the contractor complies with the occupational health, safety and environmental laws pertaining to their company, such as personal protective equipment, safe working standards and procedures, furthermore protecting the consumer by minimizing the likelihood of an incident.
That the company is up to date with tax compliance.
The knowledge that the contractor being dealt with has a level of quality service it commits to and is prepared to be held to such standards.
If required for large contracts That the contractor has an H.S.E. file on-site or at the office should an audit by the labour department occur, it also offers the opportunity for the managing body to do audits of their contractors should the Dept. of Labour request it.